Tips For Practicing the Cello

practicing the cello

The cello is a beautiful instrument. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing its sound on recordings or a live concert, it is a musical instrument that leaves an indelible mark upon your spirit. But like many instruments, the cello can be challenging to learn and without the right practice techniques, one could find themselves becoming discouraged from playing.

Here we offer effective practice techniques for improving the way you play the cello:

Practice when you are most energetic

Pay attention to your natural internal clock. If you are most energetic in the mornings, then schedule your practice sessions at the rising of the sun. You will feel more motivated and inspired to do your best. Your morning practice can become a pleasant ritual that helps you to begin your day.

Try a few small practice sessions instead of one long time period a week

Some students find it easier to learn when practice sessions are brief and spread out throughout the week. One long practice session is not something that works for everyone. If you find yourself tuning out after about fifteen minutes, try scheduling a few short sessions a week, and see how that works for you.

Choose a quiet place to practice

It’s important that you set the tone for your practice sessions by finding and dedicating a quiet location in which to practice. Too many times, our instruments are kept in the family room, or den area, where the rest of the family may be watching TV or having conversations. Practice is most effective when you can have peace and quiet within your surroundings.

Keep a practice journal

Make your practice time worthwhile by paying attention to the techniques you feel you need to improve, and write down what happens in your sessions. This way, you can return to your journal to see where you are excelling and where you may need more work.

Take care of your physical needs before practice

One of the simplest ways to make your cello practice sessions more effective, is to make sure that you care for your physical needs beforehand. If you are hungry, eat a small meal or a healthy energizing snack. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and if you have to go to the restroom, go before you sit down to practice. All of these things, hunger, thirst, needing to go to the restroom, can be very distracting and affect your practice sessions in a negative way.

A good practice session goes a long way in encouraging a student to stick with his or her music lessons. It’s often the little things that make a huge difference in how well our sessions affect the playing of our instrument.


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