Mandolin Care and Maintenance – How to Look After Your Mandolin

If you are someone who likes the look and feel of a worn, decrepit instrument, then this blog is not for you. On the other hand, if you want your mandolin to look as good as new for a long time, educating yourself about maintenance tips is crucial. The only way you can prolong your mandolin’s life and maintain its playability is by following some simple instructions when cleaning, transporting and storing your instrument.

Maintaining the Strings

  • Since new mandolin strings are usually dry, wiping them regularly using a soft microfiber cloth and a little bit of oil is essential. This makes it easier to slide up and down while playing.
  • Never tune your mandolin higher than what is necessary or it may damage your strings.
  • The sweat and oil from your fingers is transferred to the strings when you play, which is why they should be cleaned after every use.
  • To ensure that the instrument’s sound remains of the highest quality, it is important that you replace the strings regularly.

Maintaining the Wood

Sitka spruce is one of the most common kinds of wood that is used to make mandolins. Mandolin manufacturers and even Sitka spruce wood suppliers will tell you that it is important to take care of the wood. Here’s how to do it:

  • Always clean the wood using a soft, microfiber cloth. This will not just get rid of dust but also maintain the shine of the wood. To clean areas such as under the bridge, you can use a soft bristle brush.
  • You should also polish the instrument from time to time. This will provide a protective layer on the wood. However, make sure that you use non-smear wax-free polish.
  • Clean the metal hardware on the instrument to remove finger or body stains. Be careful to not use any abrasive cleaners as they will damage the plating.

Traveling With Your Mandolin

  • You can use a padded gig bag to transport the instrument to and from a jam session or a club. However, if you are traveling by plane, use a hard-shell case. According to Sitka spruce wood suppliers, you should also ensure that there is sufficient insulation so that the wood is not damaged by extreme changes in temperature.
  • If your mandolin has been in the cold or heat for a long time, do not immediately take it out of the case when you reach your room. Let it sit in the case and acclimatize to the room temperature.

Storing Your Mandolin.

  • Your mandolin needs to be kept at a normal temperature. Keep it away from heaters, air conditioners, and even open windows. Temperature changes can cause it to go out of tune.
  • Keep it away from direct sunlight to protect the wood and keep the joints intact.
  • Use silica gel to get rid of any excess moisture inside the mandolin case in places that are humid.

Looking for Sitka spruce wood suppliers to make your mandolin? Get in touch with us today.

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