A Few Interesting Facts About Soundboards


1)      The soundboard is an essential factor in determining the quality of sound and tone of an acoustic guitar.

2)      Spruce is the most prevalent source used to create acoustic guitars and other wooden instruments.

3)      Sitka Spruce is the renowned as being the best source for musical instruments.

4)      Cheaper guitars that have a soundboard that is comprised of low-end materials such as plywood are certainly sturdy, but don’t offer the same vibration as more expensive acoustic guitars.  Moreover, cheaper guitars simply don’t offer the same quality sound Sitka Spruce guitars do.

5)      One of the major reasons that make spruce is a superior option to plywood and other cheaper guitars are the difference in the type of grain that constructs the soundboard.  Spruce guitars, specifically Sitka Spruce guitars have vertical grains, while plywood has perpendicular grains.  The more vertical the grain of your soundboard is, the better your guitar will sound.

6)      The pattern on the back of the board offers stability to the soundboard, and thus affects how consistent the vibrations of the guitar will be.

Hopefully, these facts will give you something to think about when searching for your next guitar!  The soundboard is an integral aspect of the guitar, and not getting the right type can have an adverse effect on your sound.

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